Helping Bay Area Residents With Family Law Issues For Over 35 Years

Child-Centered Divorce Awareness Month

It’s no surprise that the holidays bring any martial stress to light.  January 6th is affectionately dubbed “Divorce Day” since “Divorce” is the most Google’d search on that day.  January is also known as divorce month as family law attorneys are often taking intake...

Divorce Survival Guide: Holiday Edition

Holidays are always stressful and adding a divorce to the mix makes it an infinitely more taxing time.  Figuring out how to co-parent and share custody during the holidays is an added stressor to the list.  Here are some ways to avoid having a holiday meltdown. Have a...

How to Be in Control of Your Divorce Case

Beyond the trauma of a marriage coming apart and a formerly positive relationship ending, the divorce process can sometimes leave people confused and feeling out of control.  Between the stress and anxiety of a soon-to-be ex dragging your past through the mud and...

Communicating with Your Divorce Attorney

At this point, you’ve probably spent countless hours looking for an attorney who is going to help you navigate the divorce process.  You likely have questions about spousal support, division or property, and if there are children, how to navigate custody...

5 Tips for Communicating During a Divorce

Originally published on Collaborative Divorce California At this point you’ve seen all the quotes about healthy communication being the cornerstone of any long-lasting relationship.  If you’re reading this, chances are you and your soon to be ex haven’t been...

Can I Keep the House?

So often one of the first questions is, “Can I keep the house?”  People are emotionally attached to their home and perhaps they haven’t considered the three main umbrellas of discussion to answer that question, “Can I keep the house?” The three components would...

Can You Get Divorced During this Pandemic?

Finding a Viable Divorce Pathway During the Pandemic Of all the things to think about during a pandemic, a divorce isn’t usually what many assume hits the top of the list.  However, people are finding that life still goes on and, in some situations, divorces have...

Fear, Anxiety, and Divorce

Most divorce clients come into the process of ending their marriage with a lot of fear and anxiety.  These feelings are real.  Worries about finances, the children and the uncertainty of what will happen are common.  Recognizing that many clients have these feeling we...