Helping Bay Area Residents With Family Law Issues For Over 35 Years

Communicating with Your Divorce Attorney

by | Oct 19, 2020 | Firm News |

At this point, you’ve probably spent countless hours looking for an attorney who is going to help you navigate the divorce process.  You likely have questions about spousal support, division or property, and if there are children, how to navigate custody agreements.  You also are probably experiencing anxiety about how bills are going to be paid and if your spouse is looking for ways to hide assets.

In all of this stress, clients want to have an open dialogue with his or her attorney.  No one wants to feel in the dark about any aspect of a legal process.  Here are some tips and tricks to communicate with your attorney without running up a huge tab.  I’m also sharing some communication standards you should expect from someone representing you.

Client Communication with The Attorney

It’s normal to be frustrated and upset during the divorce process, and often times clients take out this frustration on their lawyers.  Instead of calling and screaming into the phone, send an email with clarifying questions.  I’m specifically suggesting email, because this gives your attorney the opportunity to respond thoughtfully.  Instead of answering on the fly in a phone conversation, in email, your lawyer has the opportunity to cohesively gather his or her thoughts, offer helpful suggestions, and offer time slots to connect live.

This kind of communication is not only more thoughtful, but also more cost effective.

Attorney Communication with The Client

Divorce is personal.  At Harris and Fraser, we get that and here are some of our ethos:

  • Each client is unique and not just a number.
  • All clients should feel that they are being treated on their own merit as individuals.  Depending on the issues in the case, we will set up a schedule for communication.
  • When there are children involved, or the client feels threatened with financial issues, we do our best to schedule time to ensure your fears are assuaged expeditiously.

Clients have the right to expect their attorney will keep them abreast of:

  • Communication from the opposing attorney.
  • All court dates and what the expectations are.
  • Anything else that comes up relevant to the divorce.

We work to be your partner in this process and want to ensure your needs are heard and valued.