You and your ex have recently divorced. It’s not as simple as you both just going your separate ways now because you have young children. The court has signed off on a custody agreement and it’s now up to you both to make it work. You had many differences during your...
4 Tips For Effective Co-Parenting
Co-parenting can be a difficult task, but with a plan in place, it can be a lot smoother. Here are some tips for effective co-parenting that can help make things easier for you and your child. The importance of working together For children to thrive, it is...
Can divorce be good for children?
Many parents naturally believe that a divorce will not be a good thing for their kids, and they view divorce as a negative event that they want to avoid. You may have even heard couples say that they would love to split up but they're simply staying together for the...
3 reasons you might need a custody modification
Once you create a child custody agreement, the idea is you stick to it. That does not mean you can never deviate from it, but hopefully, as the bitterness of the initial dispute fades into the difference, you can talk most things out between you. For example, the...