Helping Bay Area Residents With Family Law Issues For Over 35 Years

How Divorce Impacts A Woman’s Finances

Divorce is difficult for everyone involved, but it can be incredibly challenging for women who have not been involved in the family’s finances during the marriage. In addition to the emotional upheaval, women are often left with significant financial challenges....

5 Questions To Ask If Your Marriage Is Failing

People often change after marriage. You and your spouse likely see each other every day, which may reveal things you didn’t know about your spouse before marriage.  Marriage doesn't last for everyone. There may be signs that your marriage is failing. Asking the right...

2 Ways Divorce Can Actually Improve Your Life

Many people are often under the assumption that their lives will be over after a divorce. Some people who have been married for decades may not know how to envision life without their spouse.  It can be troubling to have your entire world spun upside down – but you...

Smart Money Moves To Take Before Filing For Divorce

Divorce represents a huge transition in most people’s lives. While you may be ready to separate from your spouse, you should also plan for the financial aspect of this change.  Once you are divorced, you will be in a single-income household and in charge of all...

The Advantages Of A Collaborative Divorce

When many married individuals think of divorce, they immediately think of a protracted court battle. It doesn’t have to be that way.  Many couples can alter for a collaborative divorce. Here’s what you should know: What is a collaborative divorce? Collaborative...

The effect of divorce on adult children

When a divorce involves older people (commonly known as a gray divorce), its effects on the couple’s adult children are often overlooked or dismissed. In fact, it is not uncommon for adult children to be treated as third parties even though they are stakeholders in...

What happens to your pet when you divorce?

Your dog is an important part of your family. They may get presents under the Christmas tree and their own birthday party every year. You may include them in every family photo. The idea of losing your beloved pet could be a major deterrent from filing for divorce...

Can I have an amicable divorce?

Thankfully the answer is “yes!” Ending a marriage does not have to be acrimonious and anger-driven. There’s no doubt that divorce is always stressful, but an amicable divorce is possible even for spouses with significant disagreements. Working with attorneys...