Thankfully the answer is “yes!” Ending a marriage does not have to be acrimonious and anger-driven. There’s no doubt that divorce is always stressful, but an amicable divorce is possible even for spouses with significant disagreements. Working with attorneys...
Why doesn’t your friend just leave their abusive marriage?
There is little more heartbreaking than seeing a close friend suffer abuse in their marriage. Yet, despite all the long conversations, despite all the tears they shed on your shoulder, for some reason, they keep going back. You and your other friends know the only way...
How do I put my career on track after the divorce?
A divorce is more than just dissolving your marriage and going your separate ways – it can impact other areas of your life too. If you are a stay-at-home parent, one of the things your divorce may cause is force you back into the workforce rather suddenly. However,...
3 reasons you might need a custody modification
Once you create a child custody agreement, the idea is you stick to it. That does not mean you can never deviate from it, but hopefully, as the bitterness of the initial dispute fades into the difference, you can talk most things out between you. For example, the...