Helping Bay Area Residents With Family Law Issues For Over 35 Years

Child-Centered Collaborative Divorce Awareness Month

It’s no surprise that the holidays bring any martial stress to light.  January 6th is affectionately dubbed “Collaborative Divorce Day” since “Collaborative Divorce” is the most Google’d search on that day.  January is also known as divorce month as family law...

Collaborative Divorce Survival Guide: Holiday Edition

Holidays are always stressful and adding a divorce to the mix makes it an infinitely more taxing time.  Figuring out how to co-parent and share custody during the holidays is an added stressor to the list.  Here are some ways to avoid having a holiday meltdown. Have a...

Can I Keep the House?

So often one of the first questions is, “Can I keep the house?”  People are emotionally attached to their home and perhaps they haven’t considered the three main umbrellas of discussion to answer that question, “Can I keep the house?” The three components would...

Welcome To Our Blog

We established this blog to share stories and information about topics relevant to our practice. Our intent is to regularly provide posts highlighting legal issues of local, state and national interest that we think you will find interesting. Check back later for...